Experimenting with textures:
I first created my images doing simple vector drawings in Illustrator finding my inspiration in the image found above. I decided to tell a story with my recreation of the images I chose before I copied it into Photoshop to give it some effective blends to further tell it's story.
The color burn blend shows off the most vibrance of the colors even though it doesn't show the texture a great deal, as do the other versions. Yet somehow this version gives a whole other feeling to the story...somehow more mysterious, more dramatic, perhaps due to the bright, bold colors used.
And the hard light blend is a subtle blend of both the images I created and the concrete floor with footprints texture. A somewhat calmer version perhaps, yet still very effective.
I think each blend, each texture can tell a quite different story or give a contrasting different version to the same piece, thus enhancing it's many moods. It's interesting to me how you can feel one way using one blend or texture while feeling altogether different using another one.
I like the hard light one the best. You can also try using larger more detailed texture images. I like how the foot prints tell part of the story. Is there a parallel to the sunbeams like clouds that could work on the night side. Could you make the halftone dots on the sunshine into a light color instead of the black? I think maybe you should make the diagonal lines between the two sides of the eye projection into one line. Great work!